Driven by the desire to be different

Mayo International

Mayo International is the home of Australian hair care brands Revitafoam, Revita for styling and Genetix Reborn FX.

Taking on the giants of the multi-national corporations was never an issue when in 1983, an ex-Scot and an Aussie hairdresser combined resources to simply produce a product that was more in tune with Australian needs.

Dissatisfied with products that finally appeared on the Oz scene after the fashion had gone and disenchanted with CFC aerosols and unneccessary chemicals, Mayo International began it’s claim to a stake of the haircare market from the back of a Melbourne garage.

A quest for the best, put the company in touch with a couple of entrepeneurial chemists who together, dared to be different. Formulations were radical, business strategies unusual and marketing out of left field.

Driven by the desire to be different and that Australian could be good – and better – the Mayo team are fired by the mission of manufacturing as green and environmentally as they can and still have a product that does a great job. 

Daring to be different, Mayo International mostly pioneers products that others simply don’t have. All formulations are owned and researched by Mayo and Mayo never uses “generic recipes” choosing always individuality and the best path to achieving a result. The focus of manufacturing products for hairdressers by hairdressers, ensures the quest of cutting edge quality.

A niche company, prepared to push the boundaries of hair evolution, Mayo is also the Australian distributor for Dome Monofibre Extensions and Prolin Enhancers, the simple one operator hair enhancer fibre and technique. This long time association has brought the advantages of hair neo culture to mainstream hairdressing in Australia.

Mayo continues to follow the dream of ideals when others have come, gone or compromised. Always with the professional hairdresser in mind, always with the environment in focus and for ever with an attitude to dare to be different.

The dream continues…