Editors: Suzannah Mason and Fiona Tuck – The Forensic Nutritionist

Rosacea is one of the most common skin conditions we treat at Skinastute.

This information is designed to help you understand the condition, symptoms, and effective treatment.

Rosacea is a common chronic skin condition that begins with a tendency to flush easily. As it evolves sensations such as stinging and burning are common and prolonged redness becomes more pronounced. While rosacea typically displays on the central areas of the face, redness may spread to the ears, neck and even the back as the condition develops.

It’s a complicated condition that has no cure, but which can be managed. Self-management strategies can be effective because in many cases, rosacea flares are triggered by extrinsic influences or environmental conditions.

Rosacea Basics

Although doctors aren’t sure exactly what causes rosacea, there are some common factors that have been observed. Rosacea is more likely to occur in people with fair skin and in those who have a family history of the condition. Twice as many women experience rosacea, however, males tend to have more severe symptoms.

Many patients with rosacea have high numbers of skin mite called Demodex folliculorum. The Demodex mite lives within the follicle and feeds off sebum produced by the sebaceous gland. This can lead to a vicious cycle of inflammation and worsening of the condition, as the levels of sebum are reduced the skin barrier function becomes impaired leading to increased inflammation.

The bacteria H. pylori, which is found in the human gut, may also play a role, as it stimulates a substance called bradykinin that causes blood vessels to dilate. Typical symptoms include flushing, persistent redness, pimples or pustules, blotchy facial skin, inflamed blood vessels, thickening of the skin on the nose and facial swelling.

The Rosacea Cycle – Triggers and Flares

Rosacea is a cyclic condition. A rosacea flare occurs when the skin is exposed to something in the environment, fluctuations in hormones, as in the case of menopause, or in something that is eaten or applied to the skin.

Redness becomes worse and problems like pustules or pimples become larger or more numerous. Things may then become better for a while and then another flare occurs. Each flare tends to make the condition worse over time.

If you can identify the triggers, there are things you can do to help prevent flares of rosacea. Keep a notebook or diary for at least two weeks, for example. Note what you ate, how well you slept, whether you were stressed, the weather, your exercise patterns and what hair, skin or makeup products you used. Document your symptoms as well. Then start looking for patterns. Here are some common triggers and possible strategies to combat them:

  • Sunlight – Stay out of direct sunlight, wear a broad-brimmed hat and use a fragrance-free broad SPF-50 sunscreen year-round.
  • Stress – Try meditation, deep breathing or a form of exercise that encourages mindfulness, such as yoga or tai chi.
  • Heat – Try to regulate your temperature and avoid being too hot or too cold. Rather than taking hot baths and showers, use air conditioning, wet cloths, and fans in the summer. Daily use of hairdryers may exacerbate the condition. In the winter, avoid sitting in the direct flow of heating. Drink cool drinks, rather than hot or ice-cold ones.
  • Alcohol, especially red wine, and spicy foods – Moderation is useful, but avoidance is usually the best policy.
  • Skin and hair care products – Avoid anything that increases your symptoms or has done so in the past. Use a gentle moisturiser on your skin and focus on ingredients that repair the barrier.
  • Wind and cold – Protect your face and neck with a scarf when outdoors.
  • Exercise – Gentle exercise such as walking is often better than something more strenuous and exercise such as hot yoga is not recommended for those with rosacea.

Professional Treatments and Medical Grade Skincare for Rosacea

How you treat your skin on a daily basis is the most critical element to managing rosacea. Remember the skin is the largest organ of the human body.

At Skinastute we recommend a simple yet effective plan using products which offer highly active components such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients  to protect, strengthen, reduce redness, rebalance the barrier function of the skin and alleviate uncomfortable symptoms associated with this condition.

After treatment with home prescription products for two to four weeks we may introduce in-clinic treatments which may range from medical grade peels to light-based devices such as IPL, laser, or LED. These clinical treatments can accelerate healing, and diminish damage, such as broken capillaries and enlarged pores which are often caused by rosacea flare ups.

Nutrition and Rosacea

There is increasing evidence that what you eat has an impact on many chronic conditions, including rosacea. Even when eating a highly a nutritious diet, you may want to consider how an extra boost of certain nutrients can have an impact on the skin microbiome.

For example, an anti-inflammatory diet that includes healthy fats from olive oil, fatty fish and avocados is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the skin and promote blood vessel health. Choose fruits and vegetables that are highly coloured, as they contain more nutrients and substances such as polyphenols, which can help to combat UV light skin damage from the sun.

Carotenoids – found in leafy greens and yellow or orange fruits and vegetables – fight damage from sun exposure. You might also want to consider an elimination diet to pinpoint foods that cause flare-ups of rosacea. Phytonutrients found in broccoli, collard greens and green tea, as well as ginger, onions, and turmeric, can have anti-inflammatory effects. Phytonutrients can also have antioxidant effects to help combat free radicals that damage skin and other tissues.

Vita-sol Infinity and Purity wholefood powders are the perfect compliments to topical skin care and clinic treatments when addressing rosacea. Ingredients high in antioxidant compounds, phytonutrients and gut supporting blend to assist in reducing inflammation.

By taking a multi-faceted wholistic approach to treating rosacea, Skinastute can support you on your journey with alleviating this chronic skin condition.

If you need help managing your Rosacea please contact us, we are only too happy to help. 


Rosacea | American Academy of Dermatology. Retrieved from https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/acne-and-rosacea/rosacea

Rosacea – Symptoms and causes. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/rosacea/symptoms-causes/syc-20353815

Rosacea Diet: Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid for Calmer Skin. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/rosacea-diet

Weiss, E., & Katta, R. (2017). Diet and rosacea: the role of dietary change in the management of rosacea. Dermatology practical & conceptual, 7(4), 31–37. doi:10.5826/dpc.0704a0